Thursday, November 17, 2005

Brian B.

I was 7 or 8 maybe when I had my first thoughts of God.

I had fallen asleep in the back of Dad's station wagon late one fall night.
We had pulled in the drive way and Dad had told us "Wake up! time to go to bed".

I wanted to stay in the car because it was cold outside.

Dad said "It won't stay warm for long so come on in, your bed will feel better".
I didn't, I stayed next to my door all cozy and warm.

As usual Dad was right, it got cold and I longed for my bed. So as I was walking to the house I noticed the stars calling to me. It was such a clear night and the stars were so bright that I think this was the first time I really saw them.

I was awestruck. I thought of how big space was, how it went on and on. I wondered what was past all that space, what really was out there? When I had imagined as far as could I was then drawn to Him, God.

I knew He knew the answers to my questions.

By now I was in bed but my mind was still searching, reaching out so deep that it scared me, you know what I mean?
Asking who am I? Why am I here? How long will I live? What happens to me when I die? Who is God and why does He always seem to be at the end of all my searching questions?

I finally found Him and accepted Him as the answer I was searching for in all my questions when I was 13.
All thanks to the stars for starting my Questions!

1 comment:

joe said...

I accepted Jesus into my heart as Savior and Lord when I was 17. When the pastor gave the altar call, i hesitated and a small voice spoke to me and said "if you don't accept Christ now, you never will". I went forward to make my profession of faith.
3 months later i was in a car accident on my way home from work.
In a volkswagon beetle.
right into a telephone pole.
I should've died (the car was totalled), but i made it through with minor injuries. I wonder what would've happened if I hadn't made the choice of faith.